In his speech at the Eurasia Forum in Budapest, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced the advent of a new reality in the world.

“Five hundred years of the Western civilization’s dominance have ended… The domination of liberal progressive notions in the Western world is over. The idea that the whole world should be organized according to the Western model, and that the peoples selected for this purpose would be ready for this in exchange for economic and financial benefits, has failed.”

According to the politician, the Asian states “have become stronger and proved that they are able to rise, exist, and persist as independent centers of economic and political power,” as a result of which “the center of the world economy has shifted to the East, and eastern economies are growing four times faster than Western ones.”

The next century, according to his viewpoint, will be the “century of Eurasia”, since it is the largest continent that holds 70% of the world’s population and an even larger share in the global economy.